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Interface OperatorOptions

Defines which operators are allowed.

const operatorOptions = {
  unary: { allow: ['!'] },
  binary: { allow: ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%'] },
  logical: { block: ['??'] },
  ternary: false,


  • OperatorOptions


Optional binary

binary: null | BinaryOperatorOptions

Defines which binary operators are allowed. If defined, must provide an allow list or a block list, but not both. Valid options are +, -, *, **, /, %, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, ===, !==, |, &, <<, >>, >>>.

// allows only binary operators '/', '%', '+', and '-'
{ binary: { allow: ['/', '%', '+', '-'] } }
// allows any binary operator except '*', '**', and '&'
{ binary: { block: ['*', '**', '&'] } }

Optional logical

logical: null | LogicalOperatorOptions

Defines which logical operators are allowed. If defined, must provide an allow list or a block list, but not both. Valid options are ||, &&, ??.

// allows only logical operators '||' and '&&'
{ logical: { allow: ['||', '&&'] } }
// allows any logical operator except '??'
{ logical: { block: ['??'] } }

Optional ternary

ternary: boolean

Whether or not the ternary/conditional operator is allowed. A value of true allows the ternary operator, false blocks it. Defaults to true.

Optional unary

unary: null | UnaryOperatorOptions

Defines which unary operators are allowed. If defined, must provide an allow list or a block list, but not both. Valid options are -, +, !, ~, typeof.

// allows only unary operators '!' and '+'
{ unary: { allow: ['!', '+'] } }
// allows any unary operator except '-' and '~'
{ unary: { block: ['-', '~'] } }

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